
17 April 2012

USAID Development Innovation Ventures 2012-2013

USAID Development Innovation Ventures 2012-2013: Call for Applications

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced a new funding opportunity under the new Annual Program Statement (APS) called “Development Innovation Ventures” (DIV) FY2012 and FY2013.

Through the DIV, USAID is seeking innovative solutions which are linked to solving a development challenge. These innovations should lead to transformative (as opposed to incremental) improvement to development outcomes that could ultimately scale across multiple developing countries and, ideally, multiple sectors in these countries. These solutions can include new technologies and new service delivery practices or novel or more cost-effective variations on existing practices.

DIV welcomes projects that find a new means to deliver an existing service or a new way to make an old model substantially more cost-effective. Applications may be considered for ongoing efforts provided they introduce a major new or innovative approach, dynamic, or element. Applications on all development topics and sectors are welcome; examples of the types of innovations that USAID/DIV might support are provided below.

Illustrative examples of innovative solutions that DIV may support include: New tools for more effective agriculture extension, and testing for the most effective way to reach scale; New approaches for sanitation demand creation and sanitation marketing; Behavior change approaches drawing on insights from psychology and behavioral economics; Solutions that advance equality between females and males, and empower women and girls to participate fully in and benefit from the development of their societies; New methods to reduce absenteeism among frontline health and education workers; Testing proof of concept for a solar lighting system distributed by local entrepreneurs at a price/service point that induces wide adoption; A rigorous evaluation for a larger scale innovative project that will itself be funded by other partners where the evaluation will demonstrate the magnitude of development outcomes and the cost-effectiveness of the project, and such evidence will help the project reach scale.

Proposals from different types of organizations such as NGOs, nonprofits, foundations, civic groups, international agencies, universities, colleges and others are accepted.

To submit the proposals, applicants have to first submit a Letter of Interest (LOI) and after its review, full proposals will be requested by DIV.

The deadlines to submitting LOIs: June 1, 2012, September 1, 2012, December 1, 2012 and March 1, 2013.

For more information, visit this link or visit and search by funding opportunity number for: APS-OAA-12-000004

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