
04 August 2011

Twelve Days Left to Enter Bastiat & Hoiles Prizes

Journalists and Writers:
Twelve Days Left to Enter Bastiat & Hoiles Prizes
$85,000 Total Prize Money

Journalists and writers should enter their submissions to the Bastiat Prize and Hoiles Prize before August 15, 2011.  They may enter both prizes - different submissions or the same submission - subject to the rules of each competition.

Online entry form:

For rules and further details, visit  and

$50,000 to Winner of Bastiat X Prize; $10,000 to Winner of Hoiles Prize
This year is the Tenth Bastiat Prize for Journalism competition. The winner will receive $50,000, second place will receive $15,000 and third will receive $5,000.  The winner of the first Hoiles Prize will receive $10,000, second will receive $4,000 and third will receive $1,000.

New Prize to Honor R.C. Hoiles
The Hoiles Prize will recognize journalists who share R.C. Hoiles’ "freedom philosophy" -- a firm commitment to limited government and individual liberty -- and who apply these ideas in their writing. Entries will be judged on their policy relevance. Examples of government policy include (but are not limited to) first amendment rights, property rights, taxation, spending, bond debt, use of eminent domain and other government force, civil liberties, and the role of government in any area, such as education, health care, free markets, international trade, international relations

The finalists will be invited to attend a dinner and ceremony in New York City in November.  Raymond Hoiles (1878-1970) was an entrepreneur who started in Ohio and subsequently moved west to California. His chain of newspapers, including the Orange County Register, subsequently became Freedom Communications -- "named, not after him, but after the idea he most treasured: Freedom", writes Brian Doherty.

For more background on R.C. Hoiles, read: "R.C. Hoiles, American Original", by Brian Doherty,, April 10, 2007 -

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