
12 April 2012

Kurt Schork Awards in International Journalism

Submissions for the 2012 Kurt Schork awards are now invited

The call for submissions for 2012 is now open.

Local reporters and freelance journalists (see definitions below) working anywhere in the world may enter, provided their entries meet the submission criteria set out below. You can use an online form to send your article(s) or download a pdf form for printing, completing and posting with your entry.

The deadline for receipt of submissions is midnight (London time) 31st May 2012.

We do not accept entries sent before or after the submission period, under any circumstances.
Submission criteria:
Submitted articles must have been published between 1st June 2011 and the 2012 deadline
Accepted media: any print-based medium, such as newspapers and magazines, or established online publications. Blogs, personal websites and social media pages or channels are not accepted
Articles can encompass war reporting, human rights issues, cross-border troubles, corruption or other controversial matters impacting on people’s lives. Judges will be looking for professionalism, high journalistic standards, and evidence of dedication and courage in getting the story.
You may submit one, two or a maximum of three articles.
Because of problems with scanned entries and failed links in past years we now require that each article must be provided as a text file - MS Word (.doc or .docx) or similar text format (.rtf), or a PDF of a text file.
You may supply a URL link to your article(s), or a scan (as a PDF or JPG file) as supporting evidence of the publication context, but your entry will be disqualified if you have not submitted the required text file too.

Additional material you must provide:
a CV or resumé about your education and journalism career
a passport-type photo (JPEG, GIF or PNG file, size less than 250 kb)
an English translation if your original article is in another language
a statement explaining what you had to do to get the story

The maximum file size for text submissions or scans is 5mb.

Local reporter: A print journalist employed by a local news outlet and residing in a developing country or nation in transition(non-OECD or EU countries) whose work is published in a local publication, or a local journalist living in and writing about such a country whose work is published globally by an established online publication. Although the primary focus is on individual journalists, submissions from a team of journalists will also be considered.

Freelance journalist: Freelance journalists are individuals who are not employed by a news organization. They are self-employed, providing services either on the basis of time or on the production of editorial materials defined by individual contractual arrangements and earn the majority of their income from journalism.

Online Entry Form

Download pdf form for postal submissions. Please print and fill out the form clearly and post it with required enclosures to:

2012 Kurt Schork Awards
c/o Thomson Reuters Foundation
30 South Colonnade
London E14 5EP

If you have any questions about the 2012 awards process, please

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