
14 August 2013

International peace fellowship open

Journalists whose work addresses international peace and security challenges can apply for this fellowship.

The United States Institute of Peace (USIP) Jennings Randolph (JR) Senior Fellowship provides scholars, policy analysts, policy makers, journalists and other experts with opportunities to spend time at the Institute in D.C., reflecting and writing on proposed projects.

Priority is given to proposals deemed likely to make timely and significant contributions to the understanding and resolution of ongoing and emerging conflicts and other challenges to international peace and security. Projects will also be chosen based on the quality of project design and its ability to be implemented, as well as the candidate's project track record and potential as a fellow.

Senior Fellowships usually last for 10 months, starting in October, but shorter-term fellowships are also available. Fellowships are open to citizens of any country. Fellows will contribute to the collegial life of the Institute by presenting their work and participating in workshops, conferences and other events. The editorial staff of the Institute will work closely with Fellows to develop manuscripts for consideration by the Institute Press or for publication as Institute reports.

The program attempts to match the recipient's earned income during the year preceding the fellowships, up to a maximum of US$100,000 for 10 months. In certain cases and budget permitting, the Institute will provide coverage of 80 percent of health premiums for the fellow and eligible dependents, with a cap of $500 per month. Fellowship housing will not be provided. Each Fellow is given part-time research assistance during the fellowship.

The application deadline is Sept. 6.

For more information, click here.

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