
14 November 2012

The Allard Prize for International Integrity: For those combating corruption


The Allard Prize for International Integrity is awarded to an individual, movement ororganization that has demonstrated exceptional courage and leadership in combating corruption, especially through promoting transparency, accountability and the rule of law.

The award carries an amount of CA$100,000.

Nominations of all deserving individuals, recognizing that we will not publish nomination information without the permission of the nominee in order to respect their privacy and security are encouraged. The organizers recognize that attempting to counter corruption may result in criminal charges or a jail sentence in some jurisdictions, and they will not disqualify nominees on the basis of a criminal record, charge or sentence. Nominators can make the organizers aware that if a nominee is under threat in his/her home country so that they can exercise particular caution in our attempts to contact the nominee. They recognize that due to the public nature of the prize, safety concerns may prevent recognition of some deserving individuals.

The Allard Prize is administered by the University of British Columbia Faculty of Law at Allard Hall. The UBC Faculty of Law has a deep and longstanding history of advancing human rights. Faculty members have been pioneers in articulating and supporting women’s human rights, the rights of First Nations and indigenous communities, and the rights of victims of crime.

The deadline to submit nominations is 11 January 2013. For more information, visit this link.

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