
10 July 2012

Asian Rural Women’s Coalition Call for Nominations

The Asian Rural Women’s Coalition (ARWC) has issued a call for nominations to commemorate 100th year of the International Women’s Day in March 2011 and in furthering its mission to strengthen the unity and advance the struggle of Asian rural women.

ARWC is inviting nominations for its special award Honouring 100 women to mark 100 years of Women’s Resistance in 2011. This special award honours 100 women from Asia who have displayed creativity in rural life, courage, empowerment, resistance in the face of crisis and disasters and who have tirelessly worked to improve the quality of life in rural communities.

Nominees should be women and women’s groups currently active in rural life whose efforts have not yet been acknowledged by other awards. They may not nominate themselves.
The nominating organization or individual must have direct experience of the nominee’s work. The nominator may not nominate a family member, be a member of the nominated organization, nor can an organization nominate its senior officer (i.e. founder, president etc.). No more than 3 nominees may be presented by the same person/organization.

Nominations must include the following items:
Signed letter of nomination indicating how the nominator knows the nominee and for how long.
Biographical data on the nominee (full name, age, education, place of work, background) and a detailed history of the nominee’s creative project (written by the nominator) including her motivation, innovative aspects, any obstacles overcome, and the impact in the community. Stories and quotes from the nominees are also encouraged.
One signed endorsement letter from organizations or individuals other than the nominator and, if possible, additional supporting materials such as newspaper articles or publications.
A few labelled photographs clearly showing the nominee(s) for possible publication on ARWC website and other publications.

The deadline to submit nominations is 30 July 2012. For more information, visit this link.

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