Women in South Asia
- Leaders Unequal
Address of the High Commissioner of Pakistan , H.E. Seema Ilahi Baloch, at South Asia Women in Media Forum
The women of South Asia
must be proud, because our land can boast of some of the greatest women leaders
of our times. Sirimavo Bandaranayake, Indira Gandhi, Benazir Bhotto, Husina
Wajid, Khleda Zia, the most able and dynamic women leaders on the globe were
from our soil. But, the women of South Asia, experience some of the gravest
injustices done to women. And while we have the greatest women leaders, we
remain unequal in our societies.
In our land of many contradictions, a land of many
opportunities and many challenges, it gives me great pleasure to share with you
some thoughts on women in South Asia . And I will begin at home – my home. Both my grandmothers
received only elementary education enabling them to read and write in Urdu and to
read the Quran in Arabic. They lived in a world with many children and their
household was their entire world. My maternal grandmother had a passion for
education and fulfilled her dream by ensuring that her six daughters graduate.
Today, women in our family are Doctors, lawyers, consultants, businesswomen and
diplomats. I am sure you have similar experiences in your families.
And when I look around today at you at my other
women colleagues at my friends, it fills me with great joy that in the last
50-70 years the women of South Asia have taken
great strides forward. But we are the privileged few. The few who were born
into the right household, households with resources. We were fortunate to be
born in families who were willing to impart education to girls willing to
empower their girls. Some of us have struggled more than others to be here
today. And all of us should be rightly proud of what we have achieved.
I say this because when you look beyond at women in
South Asia, there still is a long way to go, to empower them to be even as
unequal as we are.
The most pronounced gender disparities exist in our
region. For decades women, in South Asia have
lagged behind men, either treated as commodities or second-class citizens. Patriarchal
social values are deeply rooted. These values continue to define gender
relations within households and across society, resulting in the disempowerment
of women in many areas of their lives. Women representation in the economic and
political spheres remains very low. Violence against women (VAW) and
trafficking in women are of deep concern. Inadequate access to economic
opportunities, to education, to the political domain push them into a vicious
cycle of subjugation and deprivation.
When Amartya Sen, the noble prize winning
development economist spoke about gender disparities in South Asia, he recounted
an experience he had in Cambridge .
The river had iced over. A friend asked him to walk across. He refused. His
friend did attempt to cross over and fell in. He was rescued because in some
places in that sheet of ice there were holes. His friend was pulled out of that
hole. Amartya Sen uses this as a
metaphor for gender disparities in South Asia .
Like the sheet of ice gender disparities are widespread and pervasive. There are
however, some openings. Some women can and do use them to rise up through them but
the majority are under the sheet of icy discrimination.
On the one hand traditions, patriarchal societies,
interpretation of religious beliefs, dis-empower women socially, economically
politically. A girl grows up knowing she is a second-class citizen in her own
home and in her own country. Parents’ preference is for boys, the bread earners
who will also bring a dowry in marriage.
On the other hand, girls and women are not provided
equal opportunities in access to education, access to employment, access to
credit, and access to the political domains.
More importantly, there is inadequate national legislation to protect
the rights of women. Politics is considered a male domain. Politics is
considered dirty. Politics is considered the domain of political families and
dynastic control is considered normal.
Yet there are women who have emerged through these
holes in the ice. All around me in Sri Lanka I see women entrepreneurs
who have shined – ODEL, Barefoot are known as tourist favourits. They belong to
women. Lever Brothers in Pakistan
is headed by a woman, Pepsi’s head worldwide is an Indian woman. We have nine
women Ambassadors in Colombo including from the
countries China and the USA . This is no
mean achievement for women at the beginning of the 21st century.
Martin Luthr King knew and advocated that “social
reform does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability”. There must be a
conscious effort by the individuals and a sum of individuals to change their
status in life, to push through the glass ceiling, to create new holes in that
layer of ice, to pull women out of the icy waters and give them a life of their
own. We need to create more spaces and expand existing ones for women to be
individuals in their own right, to be empowered socially, economically,
politically. We need new breakthroughs every-day in every field.
How can we create these breakthroughs? In my view
there are two areas which can be pivotal in creating these breakthroughs, in
creating an environment which eventually empowers women, which equips them to
fight and to overcome the social and economic injustices and inequalities:
The Speaker of our National Assembly is a woman, as
is our Foreign Minister. The President of our Supreme Court Bar Council is a
woman and we have a strong presence of women in media as political analysts and
TV anchors.
How have these women excelled despite the odds? They
have excelled because each one of them has made a conscious effort to make a
place for themselves. Undoubtedly, these women have worked hard to be where
they are but political will has been equally critical for carving out spaces,
for them.
Women politicians can be instrumental in introducing
legislation for women to protect them, within societies, within families from
violence, from trafficking from economic and social exploitation. Women
legislators can be instrumental in helping women to enter new areas of
In Pakistan ,
the system of the reserved seats for women in legislative assemblies has
existed in one form or the other since its creation.
Of the 342 seats in the National Assembly, women have
22 % of those seats (as compared to 5.8% in Sri Lanka ). In the upper house or
Senate, women make up 17% of the parliamentary seats.
In local government presently 33% seats are reserved
for women and a total of 36,191 women have been elected to local councils. Pakistan
has a higher representation of women in its parliament compared to the UK , the USA ,
and many other countries.
The presence of women in the national legislative
bodies has resulted in the passage of important bills for women:
The Women Protection Bill 2006
Protection Against harassment of women at workplace Bill 2009 – January
This combination of institutional reform enabling legislation
and a conscious effort of the individual can and does have positive results.
Let me share with you some of my own experience: Women
were not allowed in the Foreign Service of Pakistan till 1973. Administrative
reforms by the then Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto created the space for
women. Now Pakistan
has 13 women Ambassadors present in all continents of the world. We learnt the
hard way; we had no role models to follow. But we learnt to make a place for
ourselves, sometimes by being firm and assertive and sometimes by being
flexible. We were new in an entirely male domain and we were being watched.
That was 1977. But even today every day poses a new challenge, and every
challenge requires a different response.
The choice is, should we cede to what is expected of
a woman in our “cultural norms”, or should we push the boundary or should we
break the boundary. Recently Iftars for Muslim community were held in Colombo . At a number of
these events separate tables were laid for women in the dining area – mostly in
a remote and almost hidden corner of the room. Since I am the only woman
Ambassador from a Muslim country, there was an attempt to lead me to those
tables. Out of politeness and respect I am sure. Quietly but firmly I would
head to the table with my other Ambassador colleagues soon, the message became
clear. I must be treated like other Ambassadors – no more, no less.
In addition to political reforms, and personal
determination, the role of the media is equally critical as it influences perceptions
of women.
When I look at newspapers in our countries, I ask
where are the women. I find them mostly in advertisements or in the social
pages. The professional women, the business women, the rural women are almost
invisible. The media unfortunately plays a negative role by projecting
stereotype roles for women.
Contemporary advertisements continue to show women
either in traditional roles of the devoted wife and mother, the subservient
daughter or daughter in law or a showpiece, an icon of glamour. Whether it is an advertisement for a pain
killer or a car, a woman’s presence in the sequence is considered essential for
the product to “sell”. This depiction as a commercial commodity is degrading.
Indecent posters and hoardings displayed everywhere
are crude reminders of distorted images and attitudes towards women. And the
media influences the perception of its readers and its viewers. It perpetuates
inequalities into the home. It reinforces biases in development plans. It
ignores the economic contribution and participation of women especially the
rural women.
A woman who is raped makes sensational news, but is
there any follow-up in the media to ensure that she gets justice? The media
needs to fight for the just cause of women.
The Media needs to highlight the positives. Let us
not stereotype ourselves because every time we do that we get caught in this
vicious cycle of disempowerment. Let us focus on what women have achieved, big
or small. We need to inspire other women; we need to motivate other women. We
need to set examples and create spaces for our daughters and our new
When will we the women of South
Asia truly be more equal? I am sure that is a question on your
minds. It surely is on mine.
And my honest answer is I do not know. I do know that
it will happen. I do know it will happen when women will push the boundaries to
enter into politics in their own right as individuals, when more girls are
educated, when there are more economic opportunities open to women, when there
is adequate legislation for women by women.
I am sure that it will happen and when it does, the
women of South Asia will fare well because the women of South Asia, as they
push their boundaries will also retain their value systems to uphold the
family, to be the pillars on which their households stand firm, to be the ones
who nurture and raise their families to be rooted in our soil and yet fly with
the modern age.
It is a tough call, but a call that we are capable
of fulfilling. To quote Paulo Coelho “a warrior knows that war is made of many
battles: he goes on:”
And so must we, the women of South
Asia go on to be more equal. And we too need to go on through each
battle with courage, with determination and with our eyes on our goals.
Above all, we the women of South
Asia must not loose hope because from this land of many
contradictions related to our gender, I am confident we will emerge stronger,
wiser and more confident to become excellent role models for our future
To the women I say – break through that sheet of ice.
To the men I say – Help us to make more holes in that
sheet of ice.
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