
26 July 2011



Deadline:  Sunday August 14, 2011
The UN Alliance of Civilizations:
The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) was established in 2005, at the initiative of the Governments of Spain and Turkey, under the auspices of the United Nations.
The UNAOC Secretariat, which is based in New York, works with a global network of partners that includes States, international and regional organizations, civil society groups, foundations, and the private sector to improve cross-cultural relations between diverse nations and communities. It also works at the grassroots level, promoting innovative projects that build trust, reconciliation and mutual respect.
The Alliance works in four program areas to support such projects. These areas are: youth, media, education, and migration.

The migration program aims to reinforce efforts to harmonize the coexistence between newcomers and host communities, which is critical in improving social cohesion and intercultural relations, and in adding complexity to debates around migration.
Background information:
In the European context, immigration and minority relations are often defined as essentially problematic, if not threatening.  Many of the prejudices towards migrants derive from a negative public discourse. Through the following project, the UNAOC aims to launch a pilot project in Italy to promote positive image of migrants.
Purpose and primary audience:
The UNAOC is seeking a video producer/editor/scriptwriter to assist with developing a 20-minute video (approximate length) showing examples of good integration of migrants in Italy and shifting the focus of the immigration debate towards the human side of the story.
The video will be enriched with pictures of migrants and will be finalized as a comprehensive product (book/leaflet/DVD) which will be used as a generic tool for promoting a positive image of migration.
The UNAOC is willing to promote the product on a national level through schools, film festivals, and eventually TV channels. The product will also be translated and advertised in European countries as a successful tool that can be replicated in order to counter polarizing speech and stereotypes about migrants.
Overall Project Timeline:
Sunday 14 August 2011: Submission deadline for proposals
Monday 5 September 2011: Final selection. A contract will be initiated with the successful proposal
Monday 19 September 2011: Launch of the project
Wednesday 30 November 2011: Project to be completed
The project has to include migrant organizations and/or migrants (living in Italy) in the realization of the project.
Responsibilities of PRODUCER/EDITOR/SCRIPTWRITER selected:
  • Develop a clear and realistic timeline for the project to be approved by the UNAOC
  • Write script for video to be approved by the UNAOC
  • Coordinate participation with migrant organizations and migrants approved by the UNAOC
  • Provide subtitles for portions of video if needed
  • Create graphics for video
  • Provide photographical representations of migrants
  • Provide final product on DV cam, system NTSC (one original version and one version with English subtitles)
  • Participate in conference calls with the UNAOC to incorporate feedback & make revisions as needed to produce the video
  • * Copyright clearance, in writing, of all materials (visual and audio) used in the completed video
Responsibilities of the UNAOC:
  • Approve timeline
  • Accept script
  • Accept editing
  • Accept graphics
  • Accept photographic representations of migrants
  • Accept final edited version of the video
  • Provide sample of the final designed product incorporating the video and the pictures
  • Provide duplication of the video for distribution and media coverage
  • Support coverage and promotion of the video
Required Skills and Resources:
  • Must demonstrate experience with script writing, editing, and video production
  • Must demonstrate ability to work with culturally diverse communities
  • Must have own/rented equipment to edit and shoot video
Proposal Preparation and Submission:
The proposal packet must contain the following:
  • Description of the proposed video, including justification for budget
  • CV and an online link to at least one example of previous completed work
  • Description of the contribution of the migrant organizations and migrants participating in the pre-production, production and post-production of the video
Criteria for selections include consideration of the theme, strength of vision, clarity of budget, realistic production timeline and degree of inclusion of migrant organizations/migrants in the production of the video.
Proposals must be submitted by Sunday 14 August, 2011, to
* Successful Applicants will be informed of their proposals acceptance no later than September 5, 2011
(Please note: All finished or unfinished video or other materials resulting from this RFP process and contract shall become the property of the UNAOC final approval of the final video or upon request by the UNAOC at any time before then. The UNAOC may use or extend the video and the photographs produced without the consent, permission of, or further compensation to the Contractor).

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