Statement by South Asian Free Media
Association – Sri Lanka Chapter
Let industry self-regulate
social media
SAFMA Sri Lanka
The Sri Lanka Chapter of the South Asian Free Media
Association welcomes moves to curb abuse of internet social media but warns
that State interference may only open new ways to suppress freedom of
expression. We say: let the industry self-regulate social media.
SAFMA Sri Lanka is alarmed at the continued use of internet
social media networks to spread ethnic hatred. The recent anti-Muslim violence
in the country was accompanied by the rampant use of such social media sites as
Face Book, What’s App and Instagram to spread anti-Muslim suspicions and
hatred. Social media are similarly used to spread hatred and suspicion of other
ethnic groups as well. Internet social media are also used to spread false
information to mislead and incite the public to commit acts of violence against
targeted social groups.
This racist propaganda often espouses social attitudes of
ethnic dominance and elite ethnic privilege that subvert the nation’s assurance
of equality and justice to all its citizens.
The continued use of social media sites to spread ethnic
hatred, supremacist attitudes and, incite communal violence urgently requires
redress in the form of regulation of such internet sites to prevent future such
socially destabilisation communication usage. SAFMA-SL supports action for such
regulation and calls on the internet industry and web professionals to take
responsibility for such regulation, with government facilitation.
SAFMA Sri Lanka points out the poor record of governments in
attempting to control communication content by means of sustained censorship of
content either through Emergency powers or through such mechanisms as the
Censor Board and Press Council. These powers and mechanisms have been
flagrantly and repeatedly abused by successive regimes in the past to suppress
dissent and illegitimately sustain their tenure in power.
While welcoming current moves to swiftly introduce
regulation of social media content, SAFMA Sri Lanka insists that the government
should only perform a facilitating role in enabling the stakeholders of the
internet industry, both service providers and content producers, in
establishing mechanisms of industry self-regulation.
While the regulating cyber architecture may require support
by the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission, we urge that the oversight
body for the regulatory mechanisms provides for adequate industry and
professional representation to ensure that this architecture is not manipulated
by government or other political interests.
SAFMA Sri Lanka reminds the government and the general
public of the continued burning need for all such controls over freedom of
expression to be placed under a publicly appointed body that is autonomous of
government control.