
25 July 2013

The Knight-Mozilla Fellowships Program

July 18, 2013 By Sonia Pun

Deadline- 17 August 2013

Applicants around the world are invited to submitapplications for Knight-Mozilla Fellowships Program. This program aims to engage developers, hackers, engineers, technologists, data crunchers, and other people who like to code and bring them into the newsroom as Fellows.

The objective of this program is to support communities of developers and journalists as they make, learn, and invent together.

Knight-Mozilla Fellows spend 10 months embedded with our partner newsrooms. The Fellows are developers, technologists, civic hackers, and data crunchers who are paid to work with the community inside and outside of their newsroom to develop open-source projects. Fellows work in the open by sharing their code and their discoveries, helping to strengthen and build journalism’s toolbox.

Eligibility & Criteria-
  • The Knight-Mozilla Fellowship program is designed specifically to engage developers, hackers, engineers, technologists, data crunchers, and other people who like to code and bring them into the newsroom as Fellows.
  • Participants of any country can participate.
  • Women and other under-represented participants in technology are strongly encouraged to apply for a Knight-Mozilla Fellowship.

For more information, visit this link

Call for applications: Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History

July 18, 2013 By Sonia Pun

Deadline- 31 August 2013

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is offering funding opportunity to pursue Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History International Research Fellowships at Humboldt University. The objective of thisprogram is to encourage fellows to introduce their work to wider audiences within Berlin’s scientific community.

Eligibility & Criteria-
  • Candidates especially from the disciplines of history, anthropology, law, sociology, political science, and area studies are welcomed for this fellowship.
  • Applicants should be at the postdoctoral level or senior scholars.
  • Possible topic areas are among others, the household, loss of work, the relationship between work and non-work, as well as free and unfree labour.
  • proposals about all regions of the world and especially those that look at comparisons, conflicts, relations between different regions are accepted

For more information, visit this link

Woodrow Wilson International Fellowship Program Seeking Proposals

July 19, 2013 By Sonia Pun

Deadline- 1 October 2013

The Woodrow Wilson International Center is acceptingapplications for flagship international FellowshipProgram. The goal of this program is to unite the world ofideas to the world of policy by supporting pre-eminentscholarship and linking that scholarship to issues of concern to officials in Washington.

The Center tries to ensure that the fellowship award, when combined with the recipient’s other sources of income (e.g. other grants and sabbatical allowances), approximates an individual’s current level of income.
Awards will also include round trip travel for fellows. If spouses and/or dependent children will reside with the fellow for the entire fellowship period, money for their travel will also be included. In addition to stipends and travel allowances, the Center provides 75 percent of healthinsurance premiums for fellows who elect Center coverage and for their accompanying family members.

Eligibility & Criteria-
  • Citizens or permanent residents from any country (applicants from countries outside the United States must hold a valid passport and be able to obtain a J-1 visa even if they are currently in the United States)
  • Men and women with outstanding capabilities and experience from a wide variety of backgrounds (including academia, business, government, journalism, and other professions)
  • Academic candidates holding a Ph.D. (Ph.D. must be received by the application deadline of October 1)
  • Academic candidates demonstrating scholarly achievement by publications beyond their doctoral dissertations
  • Practitioners or policymakers with an equivalent level of professional achievement
  • English proficiency as the Center is designed to encourage the exchange of ideas among its fellows

For more information, visit this link

Grants for science journalism available

Freelance and staff journalists focusing on science and technology in print, broadcast and online media can apply for this grant.

The Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS), a private, nonprofit research institute, offers journalists a three- to six-month paid stay.

The program “Journalist in Residence” enables fellows to deal in depth with different research topics, without the pressure of daily business. Activities during the stay include meeting with researchers, a public presentation and a seminar and preparation of publications (not mandatory). The journalists are free to pursue their own agenda.

Fellows will be provided with a workplace with a PC and a monthly stipend of EUR€5,000 (US$6,530).

Applications should include a proof of journalistic work in the area of science and technology, a presentation of the key areas of his or her journalistic work and a rough plan for the stay, a CV, up to five relevant work samples and a letter of recommendation from the applicant's editor (for staff journalist).

Good knowledge of written and spoken English is expected. At least basic knowledge of German is recommended.

The application deadline is Sept. 15.

For more information click here.

Short-film competition on law, justice

Independent professional and aspiring filmmakers and students of any age can participate.

The Forum on Law, Culture & Society (FOLCS) is accepting submissions for an International Short Film Competition on law and justice. The Forum Film Festival features renowned filmmakers, actors, writers, journalists, public intellectuals and members of the legal profession.

Any genre (documentary, drama, animation and comedy) is permitted. Films may run a maximum of 15 minutes. Previously produced and/or screened films are accepted.

Winning shorts will be screened at the FOLCS Awards Night during the eighth annual Forum Film Festival in New York City in October.

The awards will honor best short, best screenplay, personal piece, best female producer and/or director and audience favorite.

The entry fee is US$25. The deadline is July 31.

For more information, click here.

Contest for medical science journalism

Early-career journalists can submit stories on global health to this competition.

Deutsches Ă„rzteblatt, the European Union of Science Journalists’ Associations (EUSJA), and the World Health Summit (WHS) are seeking articles about global health for the Next Generation of Science Journalists Award.

The top selected five professionals will be invited to participate in the WHS 2013 in Berlin for an international networking and learning opportunity. It brings together high-ranking participants from academia, politics, the private sector and civil society. The organizer will compensate EUR€500 (US$654) for travel expenses.

Print, digital, audio or visual formats of the stories and published after Jan. 1, 2012 are accepted. Stories submitted in languages other than English must be accompanied by a translation.

Applicants at the beginning of their career as science journalists with a maximum of five years of experience are eligible.

The deadline is Sept. 15.

For more information, click here.

UNESCO Call for NGO Youth Projects for the UNESCO Youth Forum

July 23, 2013 By fundsforngos

Deadline: 12 August 2013

UNESCO has launched a call for projects in order to identify and support 15 action projects (3 by region) which will be “certified” with the label “8th UNESCOYouth Forum” and implemented by, with and for youngwomen and men between the 8th and the 9th UNESCO Youth Forum (October 2013-October 2015).

This call is open to all young women and men who are members of a youth-led or youth-focused organization,project leaders or young entrepreneurs active in an established NGO. These young people are invited to submit their proposals for an innovative action project in their community, country or region, by filling in the submission form by 12 August 2013, the International Youth Day, midnight, Paris time. -

After receiving these proposals, an independent international jury will pre-select 45 projects by the end of September 2013 and their initiators will be invited to submit one-minute video describing their project so that these 45 short films can be visible online by mid-October 2013. Then, during the 8th UNESCO Youth Forum, the young participants will examine and discuss the 45 pre-selected projects with a view to choosing a total of 15 (3 youth-led action projects per the five UNESCO regions).

On 31 October 2013, the 15 projects awarded the “8th UNESCO Youth Forum” label will be announced and presented at the 37th UNESCO General Conference, in November 2013. Allowing young people to submit recommendations to 195 UNESCO’s Member States’ representatives at the highest decision-making level, the UNESCO Youth Forum brings together, every two years, at the eve of the UNESCO General Conference, around 400 young participants from all over the world to exchange views, share experiences, reflect together and, above all, detect common preoccupations and problems.

For more information, visit this link.

Synergos Senior Fellows Program for Civil Society Leaders

July 23, 2013 By fundsforngos

Deadline: 15 August 2013

Synergos is accepting applications for the Synergos Senior Fellows Program 2014 which offers fellowship opportunity for civil society leaders worldwide from NGOswhich are focusing on poverty alleviation, social justice, and/or community development.

The program offers the selected fellows the opportunity to enhance their skills, knowledge, and experience through peer-to-peer learning, annual and regional meetings, learning journeys, workshops, and contact with eminent persons. They exchange innovative ideas, models, and tools in the development field, which Synergos distributes to a wider audience. The Fellows also have opportunities to connect and collaborate with other distinguished change makers in the development field aligned with Synergos, including philanthropists andfoundations, non-governmental organizations, businesses, governments, global institutions and academics.

Synergos will cover Fellows’ expenses directly related to fellowship activities, such as travel and accommodations, if Fellows themselves or their institutions are not in a position to do so. Stipends or other financial disbursement are not provided. In certain arrangements, Fellows participating in a field consultancy or peer exchange will receive a nominal honorarium for their time committed.

Individuals applying to the Senior Fellows Network will be selected based on the following criteria:
  • Have experience and/or intend to play a leading role in multi-stakeholder partnership processes to address complex development challenges;
  • Have a demonstrable commitment to addressing the systemic causes of poverty and inequity and present a compelling vision for change in their area of work;
  • Have a record of distinguished accomplishment as a leader addressing issues of poverty, inequity and/or social injustice;
  • Currently are in a full-time executive position of a civil society organization that focuses on poverty alleviation, social justice or community development;
  • Have a demonstrable commitment to the participation of and accountability to the community they serve, as well as credibility and legitimacy from that community to speak authoritatively about its issues;
  • Be committed to developing and enhancing leadership qualities that successfully create and sustain effective working relationships among key partners and stakeholders across society’s sectors;
  • Demonstrate personal characteristics suitable for network collaboration;
  • Be proficient in written and spoken English.

For more information, visit this link.

21 July 2013

Netherlands Fellowship for Training on ‘Media design for social change’

Deadline to apply for Netherlands FellowshipProgramme (NFP): 1 October 2013

Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation is organizing the Training on ‘ Netherlands Fellowship for Training on ‘Media design for social change’ in the Netherlands from 26 May – 06 June 2014. Support to participate in this training programme is available from the Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP).

Rural development organisations are actively engaged in communication. In a changing media landscape, conventional linear and top-down information flows quickly become obsolete. Organisations need communication professionals who know how to use concepts and models to improve and enrich media design and production in processes of social change.

This course is organized by Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation.

Course objectives-

Upon completion of the course candidates will-
  • be able to use concepts and models to improve media design and production
  • be able to critically analyse media in development processes
  • have deepened understanding of the media production process
  • have practiced and improved visual literacy skills
  • have practiced the use of creativity to support change processes
  • understand the processes of conceptualisation and design

Target audience-

The course is designed for international mid-career professionals and change agents in the field of rural development: staff of development programs, government and NGOs active in agriculture and rural development.

For more information, visit this link.

Learn how to apply for the Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP) to participate in this training programme from thislink. Countries eligible to apply for NFP are Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Peru, Albania, Georgia, Philippines, Armenia, Ghana,Rwanda, Autonomous Palestinian Territories, , Guatemala, Senegal, Bangladesh, India, Somalia, Benin, Indonesia,South Africa, Bhutan, Jordan, South Sudan, Bolivia, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Burkina Faso, Macedonia, Sudan, Burundi, Mali, Surinam, Cambodia, Mongolia, Tanzania, Colombia, Mozambique, Thailand, Djibouti, Myanmar (Burma), , Uganda, DR Congo, Nepal, Vietnam, Egypt, Nicaragua, Yemen, Eritrea, Nigeria, Zambia, Pakistan, Zimbabwe

17 July 2013

UNESCO/Japan Young Researchers’ Fellowships Programme

Deadline- 30 August 2013

Japanese Funds-in-Trust and UNESCO are pleased to offer funding opportunity for Japan Young Researchers’Fellowships Programme (UNESCO/Keizo ObuchiResearch Fellowships Programme). The purpose of thisprogram is to to impact on capacity-building and research activities in the following areas-

Eligibility & Criteria-
  • Candidates under this Programme must be post-graduate researchers, already holding either an M.A. or M.Sc. degree (or equivalent) and wishing to pursue research work abroad (preferably in their own region) with a view to enhancing knowledge in one of the four specific fields mentioned in website.
  • Candidates must be persons of high intellectual promise who may be expected to make significant contributions to their country on return.
  • Candidates must be no more than 40 years of age. Thus, applicants born before 1 January 1974 will not be considered under the Programme.
  • The selected Fellow must carry out the research under the auspices of an academic supervisor in a host institution
  • Priority attention will be given to: Women candidatures, Candidates from least developed countries (LDCs), African researchers
  • Candidates must be proficient in reading and writing the language of instruction in the proposed country of study/research.

For more information, visit this link

16 July 2013

UN photo contest seeks pictures of peace

Professional and amateur photographers can participate in this contest.

The International NGO “World Without Wars and Violence” has launched the international photo competition on the theme: “Peace Is.” There are two categories of entrants: general and students.

The competition is under the auspices of the Greek National Commission for UNESCO. The categories include color, monochrome, creative and students.

To give acknowledgement and recognition for their work, the 10 best winners per category will be invited to give a short description of themselves, which will be included in the catalogs. The 10 best photos in the students category will also receive a Nikon COOLPIX L26 digital camera.

The entry fee is EUR€12 (US$15). There is no entry fee for the category for students under 16.

The deadline is Sept. 10.

For more information, click here.

Reuters offers scholarships for visual storytelling course

Journalists from the developing world with a minimum of two years of experience can apply for scholarships.

Thomson Reuters Foundation offers scholarships for a five-day intensive program on Sept. 23 – 27 in Tbilisi, Georgia. The program will teach the full range of skills required for effective visual storytelling and for producing powerful TV and web productions.

Fully funded scholarships are available for journalists from the developing world or countries in political transition, working for organizations with no resources. The scholarships cover tuition, economy air travel, accommodation and a small daily allowance.

Partial scholarships are available for journalists from the developing world or countries in political transition working for organizations with some resources for training, and cover the tuition cost of GBP£1,000 (US$1,523). Journalists working for organizations that have funding for training can participate, but they would have to cover tuition cost and all other expenses.

Applicants must send a short biography, a statement about their work and what they hope to gain from the course, together with a recent example of their published work.

Good spoken and written English required.

The application deadline is Aug. 1.

Video contest on migrants open

People from countries that are members of the International Labor Organization (ILO) can participate in this contest.

ILO is seeking videos with a powerful message, showing how participants make a difference in the lives of young migrants. The aim of the contest is to give a voice to young migrants and meet leaders engaged in shaping the future of our societies.

To enter the contest, upload a video (maximum five minutes) on your own YouTube channel and email the link to the organizer. Videos which are not in one of the three working languages of the ILO (English, French or Spanish) must include subtitles in one of them.

Participants must be over the age of 18 and agree to show their video publicly.

The winner will be invited to present his or her initiative at a panel discussion during the celebrations of International Youth Day in New York, in August. The ILO will cover all travel costs.

The deadline for submissions is July 22.

For more information, click here and here (PDF).

Contest on information security stories open

Journalists around the world can submit their entries for best international feature/news story on information security.

Entries are now open for the BT Information Security Journalism Awards. The awards honor security journalism reporting in the UK. This year the organizer introduced a new category - best international feature/news story of the year.

The international category is open to journalists writing for non-UK based publications and news outlets. The winner will receive a £500 (US$755) prize. Articles must be written in English or translated into English.

UK-based journalists can compete in the following categories: information security journalist of the year; BT enigma award; information security news story; security broadcast feature/news; overall information security feature article; privacy feature; cybercrime feature and investigative feature.

The deadline for submissions is Aug. 23.

For more information, click here.

Urban photography contest open

Photojournalists and amateur photographers worldwide can participate in this contest.

CBRE is accepting submissions for its 2013 Urban Photographer of the Year competition "Cities at Work."

The Urban Photographer of the Year will be the person who, in the eyes of the judges, has best captured the life of a town or city at a given time of day.

While the photograph does not necessarily have to be taken at that specific time of day, it does need to look as though it was. For example, a photograph could capture London at 4 a.m., Lisbon at 2 p.m. or Dubai at 9 p.m. Participants can enter a photograph for each hour of the day, allowing a maximum of 24 submissions.

This year, student competition will run alongside the main competition. When submitting your entries, please indicate that you are a student and use your university email address as your main contact.

The categories include travel/transport, workplace, architecture, urban, cityscape, environment.

The first-place winner will receive a photo safari vacation that includes seven nights’ accommodation.

The application deadline is Aug. 31.

For more information, click here.

11 July 2013

Fellowship sends reporters to health conference

Journalists interested in learning more about covering lung health issues can apply for this fellowship.

The National Press Foundation is offering all-expenses-paid fellowships for journalists to learn about lung health issues and cover the 44th Union World Conference on Tuberculosis and Lung Health, in Paris, France.

The training and conference will cover lung health and related issues, including tuberculosis, TB/HIV, asthma, COPD, diabetes, tobacco control and the impact of air pollution. Journalists will learn about these diseases, the extent and impact of the problems they present and the new research, solutions and innovations that are in the pipeline.

Fellowships cover conference registration, round-trip air and train travel, hotel accommodation and per diem. Selected journalists must have at least three years of reporting experience that includes health coverage.

Training will be held Oct. 29-31, and journalists will participate in the conference through Nov. 3.

Applicants must have strong English speaking and reading skills.

The deadline for applications is July 22.

For more information, click here.

Fellowships for reporting on conflict, violence open

Midcareer journalists who want to deepen their knowledge of trauma and improve coverage of violence, conflict and tragedy can apply for a fellowship.

Each year, the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma, a project of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, selects 10-15 journalists as Dart Center Ochberg Fellows.

Fellows attend an intensive weeklong program of seminars and discussions held at Columbia University in New York City. Program activities include background briefings by prominent interdisciplinary experts in the trauma and mental health fields; conversations with journalist colleagues on issues of ethics, craft and other aspects of professional practice; and a host of other opportunities for intellectual engagement and peer learning.

Online applications are now being accepted for the 2013 fellowship program to be held Jan. 20-25. The application deadline is Oct.11.

To apply, click here.

Scholarship for young photojournalists available

Full-time photography students and photographers age 24 or under can apply for a scholarship.

The Ian Parry Scholarship is designed to help young documentary photographers undertake a chosen project and raise their profile in the international photography community. It is named after photographer Ian Parry, who died on assignment in Romania at the age of 24.

The top prize is UK£3,000 (US$4,585) and UK£500 (US$765) for runners-up. The Sunday Times Magazine publishes a selection of images from the competition and World Press Photo automatically nominates the winner for the Joop Swart Masterclass, and Canon provides a choice of equipment.

Entry is free. The deadline is Aug. 1.

For more information, click here.

Asian Peacebuilders Scholarships Program

July 8, 2013 By fundsforngos3

Deadline- 8 September 2013

All eligible applicants from Asia are invited to apply for Asian Peacebuilders Scholarship Program offered to pursue master’s degree in Philippines and Costa Rica. The goal of this program is to rain young Asian professionals to become peace building practitioners, ready to take up leading positions in their organizations.

The programme offers specialized language training for candidates with intermediate and advanced levels of English proficiency and includes MA Coursework in an area related to peace building (11 specialisations available!), MA Coursework with an Asian perspective and the design and implementation of an 8-week intensive field project.

The APS offers theoretical and practical post graduate education to young Asian professionals from diverse cultures and backgrounds, providing them with a deep understanding of the central issues of peace building. Participants will broaden their knowledge base and will be able to engage with the major concepts, themes and debates within peace studies, preparing themselves for work with NGOs, governments, aid agencies, the UN and other organizations.

Eligibility & Criteria-
  • This 18 – 21 month (depending on English proficiency) intensive academic programme begins in March 2013 and is accomplished in five terms-
  • Language training at AdMU in the Philippines (6 months for candidates with intermediate English, 3 months for candidates with advanced English)
  • MA coursework at the UPEACE Campus in Costa Rica (11 specialisations available)
  • Specialised Asia-focused coursework at the AdMU campus in the Philippines
  • The implementation of an 8-week field project
  • The implementation of a 6-week field project

For more information, visit this link

UN Women Global Call for Gender Experts and Trainers

June 23, 2013 By fundsforngos 25 Comments

UN Women has issued a call for applications to connect with a diverse range of knowledgeable and experiencedgender experts and trainers around the world whopossess expertise in the areas of work covered by UN Women’s mandate, UN Women is establishing a global roster of experts and trainers. This roster will facilitate the recruitment, hiring and evaluation of consultants from several thematic areas.

In this context, UN Women is currently inviting experienced experts and trainers (individuals, not firms) to apply to be considered for registration in the UN Women expert and trainers roster in the following thematic areas:
Area 1: Economic Empowerment : Macroeconomic Policy
Area 2: Economic Empowerment : Economic Institutions
Area 3: Economic Empowerment : Sustainable Development
Area 4: Women’s Political Participation
Area 5: Governance and National Planning
Area 6: Gender Equality and HIV/AIDS
Area 7: Women, Peace and Security
Area 8: Gender and Humanitarian Action
Area 9: Training for Gender Equality

The consultant should identify the thematic area that best fits his/her range of experience and expertise. If applicable, it is possible to select more than one thematic area.

Training Accreditation: Experts interested in providing training consultancy services in their areas of expertise can apply for the training accreditation. After joining a thematic roster, applicants will be able to provide information about their training background and complete a competency-based test to demonstrate their knowledge in adult learning. If successful, the candidate will be recognized as both an expert and trainer in the related fields.

Consultants will provide a range of advisory services to clients (UN Women Divisions, Regional Centers or Country Offices,

UN Women Training Centre, project teams, and partners as needed). Specific reporting and working relationships will be specified at the time of contracting for a specific assignment.

For more information, visit this link.

Thomson Reuters offers course for journalists on women’s issues

By Ghana News

Monday, December 2, 2013 – 04:00 – Friday, December 6, 2013 – 04:00

Journalists worldwide can apply for this course in London.

TrustMedia, a Thomson Reuters Foundation service, is offering a course on women’s issues, to be held Dec 2 – 6.

The course will cover themes including: choosing the best angle for your story; getting women to speak up; presentation skills and writing for greater impact; storytelling; ethics and fact-checking; conveying a local (or national) story for a global audience; and critical assessment of women’s issues coverage in the global media and safety for female journalists.

Applicants must have two years of professional experience as journalists or as regular contributors to broadcast or print media. They must show a strong interest in women’s issues and a commitment to journalism in their host countries.

Professional proficiency in written and spoken English is required. All selected participants will have researched a story they would like to develop during the course.

Full bursaries are available for journalists from the developing world/countries in political transition working for organizations with no resources for training. Bursaries include return air travel (economy class), accommodation and a modest living allowance.

Thomson Reuters Foundation also offers training for journalists from any region from an organization that has the resources to fully cover the costs of the program.

The deadline is Oct. 2.

For more information, click here.

02 July 2013

Workshop for journalists in conflict zones available

Journalists, technologists and NGO, government and UN officials working in conflict zones can apply for a two-day workshop in New York.

The US Mission to the United Nations and the State Department’s Office of eDiplomacy are hosting TechCamp NYC: Protection Journalists in Conflict at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism.

During the workshop, participants will work in small group discussions, which will allow them to drill down into their unique challenges and spend time with technology experts who can walk them through possible tech solutions.

Participants will set the agenda, but possible topics include verifying sources, ensuring anonymity, secure info-sharing networks, coping with trauma and more.

Participation in the conference is free, and lunch will be provided for both days. Transportation and housing costs are not covered.

The number of spaces is limited. Apply by July 1.

For more information, click here.

Knight-Mozilla OpenNews Fellowship open

Developers, technologists, engineers or programmers interested in journalism can apply for a fellowship.

The Knight-Mozilla OpenNews Fellowship offers developers and technologists in newsrooms worldwide US$60,000 to spend 10 months writing code in collaboration with reporters, designers and newsroom developers.

Six newsrooms will be hosting this year's fellows - The New York Times, ProPublica, The Texas Tribune, La Nacion, Ushahidi and Internews in Kenya.

Along with the stipend paid over 10 months, the fellowship provides supplements for housing, childcare, health insurance, moving expenses and helps pay for research/equipment and books. The fellowship also covers the costs of required travel for fellowship activities.

To read about last year's fellows, click here.

Apply by Aug. 17.

For more information, click here.

Citizen journalism broadcast contest open

Entrants worldwide can submit video or audio pieces whose theme opposes racism and right-wing extremism.

The 3rd International Citizen Media Award is open to individuals, groups, associations, civil initiatives, producers, actors and editorial teams. Entrants should be private, non-commercial producers.

Entries may include an individual product, a short movie, a movie in a television broadcast, a radio spot or a video/audio podcast.

In the video category, the first-place winner will receive EU€1,000 (US$1,315). The second-place winner will participate in an international media camp and the third-place winner will receive EU€300 (US$395). In the audio category, the winner will receive EU€300 (US$395).

Entries may be in English or the native language with English subtitles and translation. They must have been created between August 2012 and August 2013. The deadline is Aug. 31.

For more information, click here.

Reagan-Fascell democracy fellowship open

Journalists worldwide who wish to learn more about democracy can apply for a fellowship.

The Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program, organized by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), aims to enable democratic practitioners, scholars and journalists to deepen their understanding of democracy and enhance their ability to promote democratic change.

Fellows maintain full-time residence at the International Forum for Democratic Studies, NED’s research arm located in Washington. The Forum hosts 16 to 20 Reagan-Fascell Fellows every year.

Each fellow receives a monthly stipend for living expenses, plus health insurance and reimbursement for travel to and from Washington, at the beginning and end of the fellowship period.

The deadline is Oct. 1.

For more information, click here.

Environmental journalism fellowship available

Journalists from outside the United States can apply for a semester-long scholarship. Those from developing countries are especially encouraged to apply.

The Earth Journalism Scholars Program is inviting journalists to attend the University of California-Berkeley (UCB) for the spring semester of 2014 to take classes on journalism and environmental issues. The program is the result of a collaboration between Internews’ Earth Journalism Network (EJN) and UCB’s Graduate School of Journalism.

The program is intended for midcareer journalists who have shown dedication and skill in covering environmental issues. Applicants must have completed a bachelor’s degree or equivalent.

The program will cover travel, lodging and tuition costs. Scholars will also receive a modest stipend to cover basic living expenses.

The deadline to apply is July 9.

For more information, click here.

Photography competition on social stories open

Professional and amateur photographers can apply.

The World.Report Award is accepting works focusing on people and their social and cultural stories - public or private, minor or crucial, big human tragedies or petty daily stories, or changes and immutability. The award is presented by The Festival of Ethical Photography.

The award will be given in two categories. The EUR€5,000 (US$6,520) Master Award is open to all photographers, with no restriction of any kind.

The Spot Light Award is open to photographers who have not received one of the following awards as of April 1, 2013: World Press Photo, W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography, the Pulitzer Prize, or the POYi Picture of the Year, with exception of the multimedia category. The prize is EUR€2,000 (US$2,607) and a Nikon D600 (body only).

The projects submitted must be in the field of social photojournalism and/or documentary. Photographers can submit as many works as they like. The entry fee is EUR€10 (US$13) per project.

The deadline is July 28.

For more information, click here.