Posted on: 14/06/2010
Fellowships and Awards, International Experience
Deadline: 01/08/2010
Region: Worldwide
Print and online journalists from developing countries and countries with emerging markets can apply for the 2010 Alfred Friendly Press Fellowships, an annual program that brings journalists to American newsrooms. Deadline: August 1.
The fellowship is aimed at providing fellows with experience in reporting, writing and editing that will enhance future professional performance; transfering knowledge gained during the program to colleagues at home; and fostering ties between journalists in the U.S. and other countries.
The fellowship covers all costs of program-related international and domestic travel, health insurance and provides a monthly stipend to cover basic living expenses.
Applicants must have at least three years' professional experience in online and print journalism, current full-time employment as a journalist, be between 25 and 35 and have a good level of spoken and written English.
The Alfred Friendly Press Fellowships (AFPF) is an American non-profit, non-governmental organization.
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