Blogging from international climate economy conference in Berlin. The scholarships include travel to and from Berlin and full boarding.
Photo: Jorge Quinteros / Creative Commons License
March 11, 2010
Are you interested in blogging from a high-profile international conference on climate change and the economy, and take a look behind the scenes? The Heinrich Böll Foundation (HBF) together with Foundation Mercator and the Center for American Progress is organising a conference, “The Great Transformation – Greening the Economy”, from 28-29 May 2010 in Berlin. For this event we are offering three blogger scholarships!
The scholarships include travel to and from Berlin and full boarding. We will also try to offer you exclusive interviews with all speakers. A competent representative from the Heinrich Böll Foundation will be available to you at all time. All your blog entries will be aggregated into the conference website and your blog will be featured in the relevant policy dossiers of the HBS.
All interested bloggers can apply for the scholarship. We will select a mix of interesting applicants. Your application should consist of a short (1-3 paragraphs) motivation, a link to your blog, some information of your blog’s outreach (if available) and potential topics of the conference that you are keen on blogging about.
You can find more information about the conference on the website www.boell.de/greennewdeal. This website will be successively updated.
Please send your application to beier@boell.de until April 6th 2010. Even if not selected for a scholarship, we will seek to give a platform to all bloggers and twitterers at this conference. However, please register as a participant through the conference’s website. Attendance for all participants is for free.
The conference is organised by the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Stiftung Mercator and the Center for American Progress.